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The viewport is the area of the web page in which the augmented scene is displayed.



AR.Viewport(settings: object): Viewport

Create a new viewport with the specified settings.


  • settings: object. An object with the following keys:
    • container: HTMLDivElement. A <div> that will contain the augmented scene.
    • hudContainer: HTMLDivElement, optional. An overlay that will be displayed in front of the augmented scene. It must be a direct child of container in the DOM tree.
    • resolution: Resolution, optional. The resolution of the virtual scene.
    • canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, optional. An existing canvas on which the virtual scene will be drawn. The engine automatically creates a canvas. You should only specify an existing canvas if you must. Experimental.
    • style: string, optional. The viewport style. Since: 0.3.0


A new viewport.


const viewport = AR.Viewport({
    container: document.getElementById('ar-viewport'),
    resolution: 'lg'



viewport.container: HTMLDivElement, read-only

The container of the viewport.


viewport.hud: HUD, read-only

The HUD.


viewport.resolution: Resolution, read-only

The resolution of the virtual scene.


viewport.virtualSize: SpeedySize, read-only

The size in pixels that matches the resolution of the virtual scene.


viewport.canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, read-only

A <canvas> on which the virtual scene is drawn.

style string

The style determines the way the viewport appears on the screen. Different styles are applicable to different session modes. The following are valid styles:

  • "best-fit": an immersive viewport that is scaled in a way that covers the page while preserving the aspect ratio of the augmented scene.
  • "stretch": an immersive viewport that is scaled in a way that covers the entire page, stretching the augmented scene if necessary.
  • "inline": an inline viewport that follows the typical flow of a web page.

The default style is "best-fit" in immersive mode, or "inline" in inline mode.

Since: 0.3.0


viewport.fullscreen: boolean, read-only

Whether or not the viewport container is being displayed in fullscreen mode.

Since: 0.3.0


viewport.fullscreenAvailable: boolean, read-only

Checks the availability of the fullscreen mode on the current platform and page.

Since: 0.3.0



viewport.requestFullscreen(): SpeedyPromise<void>

Make a request to the user agent so that the viewport container is displayed in fullscreen mode. The user must interact with the page (e.g., tap on a button) in order to comply with browser policies, otherwise the request will not succeed.

iPhone support

At the time of this writing, the fullscreen mode is not supported on iPhone. An alternative way to create a fullscreen experience is to set the viewport style to "stretch" in a web app.

Since: 0.3.0


A promise that is resolved when the fullscreen mode is activated, or rejected on error.


function toggleFullscreen()
    if(!viewport.fullscreen) {
        viewport.requestFullscreen().catch(err => {
            alert(`Can't enable fullscreen mode. ` + err.toString());
    else {

// require user interaction
button.addEventListener('click', toggleFullscreen);


viewport.exitFullscreen(): SpeedyPromise<void>

Exit fullscreen mode.

Since: 0.3.0


A promise that is resolved once the fullscreen mode is no longer active, or rejected on error. The promise will be rejected if the method is called when not in fullscreen mode.


A viewport is an AREventTarget. You can listen to the following events:


The viewport has been resized. This will happen when the user resizes the window of the web browser or when the mobile device is flipped.


viewport.addEventListener('resize', event => {
    console.log('The viewport has been resized.');