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Augmented Reality (AR) has applications in many fields, including: games, marketing, commerce, education, arts, tourism, sports, healthcare, and so on. AR brings many exciting possibilities for creative projects - and you too can get into it!

Traditionally, users were required to download (sometimes large) apps to experience AR. That was an obstacle for adoption. What if we dropped the need for apps and just required a web browser instead? Users already have web browsers! That's where WebAR comes in.

Image Tracking

What to expect from this guide

We will create together an Augmented Reality experience that runs in web browsers. You will learn how to track an image in real-time. This is a common use case of Augmented Reality technology.

No matter if you are a beginner, an expert, or somewhere in-between, set yourself at ease: this step-by-step guide can be followed by you.